1 false crawl – July 20, 2016

One false crawl near marker 53.

One hatchling emerged from nest #1 after the storm last evening, then we got a call about 10:30 that there were more but didn’t go out.   We saw some folks on the beach this morning that said they saw 1 hatchling emerge late too.  No telling how many have emerged but we will know at 6:30 tonight at the inventory.

Our nest #32 is unidentified now.  It was laid July 2nd and on the morning of July 8th, after storms during the night, the cage was gone.  We have searched for the cage and the nest but haven’t been able to locate either.  Our GPS location isn’t specific enough to pinpoint the nest.  We will watch the  area for hatchlings at the end of August. This is actually the second time a cage has been removed but were able to recover and restore Nest #7.