2024 Sea Turtle Nest Inventories

Nest #1 Inventory

Hatched Egg Shells – 97
Unhatched Eggs – 13
Pipped – 0
Live – 0
Dead – 1

Nest #2 Inventory

Hatched Egg Shells – 117
Unhatched Eggs – 6
Pipped – 0
Live – 0
Dead – 2

Nest #3 Inventory

Hatched Egg Shells – 88
Unhatched Eggs – 11
Pipped – 0
Live – 5
Dead – 1

Nest #4 Inventory: Emergency Excavation due to Fox Predation

Hatched Egg Shells – 95
Unhatched Eggs – 7
Pipped – 1 (crab attacked)
Live – 0
Dead – 0

Nest #5 Inventory: Hatchlings were trapped in the heavy wet sand.

Hatched Egg Shells – 100
Unhatched Eggs – 21
Pipped – 11
Live – 26
Dead – 2

Nest #6 Inventory

Hatched Egg Shells – 103
Unhatched Eggs – 14
Pipped – 0
Live – 0
Dead – 0

Nest #7 Inventory: Inventoried on Day 77 after 14+ over washes. Hatch date unknown.

Hatched Egg Shells – 100
Unhatched Eggs – 26
Pipped – 0
Live – 0
Dead – 20

Nest #8 Inventory 

Hatched Egg Shells – 147
Unhatched Eggs – 10
Pipped – 0
Live – 2
Dead – 0

Nest #9 (Kemp’s) Inventory:  Hatchlings were trapped in the heavy wet sand, also.  They were very lethargic.  3 made it to the water independently.  Per guidelines and consultation with our NCWRC Coordinator, and under the handling of our authorized permittees, after 30 minutes at the top of the runway 9, Kemp’s Ridley babies were escorted to the water’s edge via Turtle Taxi.

Hatched Egg Shells – 90
Unhatched Eggs – 10
Pipped – 10
Live – 12
Dead – 2

Nest #10 Inventory

Hatched Egg Shells – 94
Unhatched Eggs – 4
Pipped – 5
Live – 11
Dead – 0

Nest #11 Inventory

Hatched Egg Shells – 120
Unhatched Eggs – 13
Pipped – 0
Live – 0
Dead – 0

Nest #12 Inventory

Hatched Egg Shells – 115
Unhatched Eggs – 5
Pipped – 2
Live – 2
Dead – 1

Nest #13 Inventory

Hatched Egg Shells – 86
Unhatched Eggs – 9
Pipped – 0
Live – 0
Dead – 1

Nest #14 Inventory

Hatched Egg Shells – 88
Unhatched Eggs – 4
Pipped – 0
Live – 0
Dead – 0

Nest #15 Inventory

Hatched Eggshells – 73
Unhatched Eggs – 6
Pipped – 0
Live – 0
Dead – 0

Nest #16 Inventory

Hatched Eggshells – 57
Unhatched Eggs – 36
Pipped – 1
Live – 0
Dead – 0

Nest #17 Inventory

Hatched Eggshells – 103
Unhatched Eggs – 7
Pipped – 0
Live – 0
Dead – 0

Nest #18 Inventory

Hatched Eggshells – 80
Unhatched Eggs – 6
Pipped – 0
Live – 1
Dead – 3

Nest #19 Inventory

Hatched Egg Shells – 125
Unhatched Eggs – 7
Pipped – 2
Live – 1
Dead – 1

Nest #20 Inventory

Hatched Egg Shells – 95
Unhatched Eggs – 9
Pipped – 0
Live – 0
Dead – 0

Nest #21 Inventory

Hatched Eggshells – 90
Unhatched Eggs – 9
Pipped – 0
Live – 5
Dead – 0

Nest #22 Inventory

Hatched Eggshells – 67
Unhatched Eggs – 31
Pipped – 0
Live – 4
Dead – 1

Nest #23 Inventory

Hatched Eggshells – 74
Unhatched Eggs – 5
Pipped – 0
Live at Inventory – 0
Dead – 0

Nest #24 Inventory

Hatched Eggshells – 88
Unhatched Eggs – 12
Pipped – 33
Live at Inventory – 7
Dead – 1

Nest #25 Inventory: Inventoried with special permission after it was suspected to have hatched during rains from Tropical Storm Debby.  It had and the results were very sad.  The heavy rains got them.  Thank you Team 1 for your diligence!

Hatched Eggshells – 8
Unhatched Eggs – 65
Pipped – 41
Live at Inventory – 0
Dead – 3

Nest #26 Inventory

Hatched Eggshells – 113
Unhatched Eggs – 2
Pipped – 0
Live at Inventory – 0
Dead – 0

Nest #27 Inventory

Hatched Eggshells – 129
Unhatched Eggs – 4
Pipped – 1
Live at Inventory – 0
Dead – 0

Nest #28 Inventory: this nest was overwashed late in incubation at a time of crucial development.

Hatched Egg Shells – 27
Unhatched Eggs – 91
Pipped – 0
Live – 1
Dead – 1

Nest #29 Inventory

Hatched Egg Shells – 122
Unhatched Eggs – 6
Pipped – 0
Live – 0
Dead – 0

Nest #30 Inventory

Hatched Egg Shells – 130
Unhatched Eggs – 11
Pipped – 0
Live – 0
Dead – 0

Nest #31 Inventory

Hatched Egg Shells – 79
Unhatched Eggs – 5
Pipped – 0
Live – 1
Dead – 1

Nest #32 Inventory

Hatched Egg Shells – 77
Unhatched Eggs – 23
Pipped – 0
Live – 0
Dead – 0

Nest #33 Inventory: This nest was overwashed multiple times during the passing of Tropical Storm Ernesto and the King Tides.

Hatched Egg Shells – 50
Unhatched Eggs – 75
Pipped – 3
Live – 0
Dead – 1

Nest #34 Inventory

Hatched Egg Shells – 62
Unhatched Eggs – 18
Pipped – 0
Live – 0
Dead – 0

Nest #35 Inventory

Hatched Egg Shells – 106
Unhatched Eggs – 2
Pipped – 0
Live – 0
Dead – 0

Nest #36 Inventory

Hatched Egg Shells – 92
Unhatched Eggs – 12
Pipped – 1
Live – 4
Dead – 0

Nest #37 Inventory

Hatched Egg Shells – 101
Unhatched Eggs – 5
Pipped – 2
Live – 1
Dead – 1

Nest #38 Inventory

Hatched Egg Shells – 120
Unhatched Eggs – 5
Pipped – 0
Live – 0
Dead – 0

Nest #39 Inventory: this nest was overwashed twice.

Hatched Egg Shells – 90
Unhatched Eggs – 34
Pipped – 0
Live – 6
Dead – 1

Nest #40 Inventory

Hatched Egg Shells – 118
Unhatched Eggs – 2
Pipped – 0
Live – 0
Dead – 0

Nest #41 Inventory: this nest was dug out by a Fox or Coyote on Day 28 of incubation. 59 eggs were destroyed. The destroyed eggs were removed and the nest recovered with sand. We were not sure how the remaining eggs would do. They did Great!

Hatched Egg Shells – 44
Destroyed by a Fox or Coyote – 59
Unhatched Eggs – 2
Pipped – 0
Live – 1
Dead – 0

Nest #42 Inventory: this nest was overwashed at least once.

Hatched Egg Shells – 63
Unhatched Eggs – 10
Pipped – 0
Live – 0
Dead – 0

Nest #43 Inventory

Hatched Egg Shells – 86
Unhatched Eggs – 2
Pipped – 5
Live – 10
Dead – 2

Nest #44 Inventory: this nest was overwashed twice.

Hatched Egg Shells – 93
Unhatched Eggs – 8
Pipped – 0
Live – 10
Dead – 2

Nest #45 Inventory: this nest had to be inventoried earlier in the day than planned due to the forecasted thunderstorms. We managed to get it done between showers! The 11 hatchlings at inventory were stuck in the damp sand and would not have made it out on their own!

Hatched Egg Shells – 100
Unhatched Eggs – 5
Pipped – 0
Live – 11
Dead – 5

Nest #46 Inventory: this nest had several overwashes, was uncovered by the tide and had heavy rain after the first emergence. We do not know how many eggs were originally laid in the nest. We estimate about 47 hatchlings made it to the ocean, which is remarkable for all it endured!

Hatched Egg Shells – 67
Unhatched Eggs – 10
Pipped – 4
Live – 3
Dead – 6

Nest #48 Inventory: this nest was overwashed at least twice.

Hatched Egg Shells – 71
Unhatched Eggs – 14 + 1 spacer (smaller, yolkless egg)
Pipped – 0
Live – 4
Dead – 0