Team Caswell Beach and OKI with Dr. Godfrey, our State Coordinator.
Caswell Beach Turtle Watch attended the NC Sea Turtle Project Annual Kickoff meeting on March 6, 2024. NC Sea Turtle Project Biologists (NC Wildlife) conducted its annual training meeting with the official NC Beach Turtle Protection Teams of southern NC. This included Caswell Beach Turtle Watch, Oak Island Sea Turtle Protection, Bald Head Island Conservancy, Ocean Isle Beach Sea Turtle Protection, Holden Beach Turtle Watch, Wrightsville Beach Turtle Watch, and others. Only officially permitted groups participate in this annual meeting for education and updates on new data and practices for sea turtles. This in turn allows all groups to update their turtle protection and public education practices for the season.
Highlights included new information results from 2023 data, including:
Total Loggerhead Nests: 1616 (1875 false crawls!)
First NC Nest: May 6, 2023
Last NC Nest: Dec. 3, 2023