August 1, 2023 – Lots of Turtle Action!

We had 1 False Crawl (same location as yesterday’s) and 1 Nest.  They had the same crawl width.

Nest #87 had to be relocated from just over yesterday’s King Tide line to the dune line.  Patrol had visitors Madison and L’rae watch the process.
There were 67 eggs + several spacers.
Crawl Width:  90cm/35″

Other Updates:
Nest #11 had evidence of a good emergence overnight.  Lots of hatchling tracks!
Nest #10 had it’s first emergence with 1-2 hatchling tracks.
Nest #2 had 4 more hatchling tracks and some crab activity.
Nest #5 had 1 more hatchling track.
Nest #17 had a slight overwash during yesterday evening’s King Tide.

Our Nest #4 Emergence Video on Facebook has been very popular!

Busy times are here!

**This conservation work for protected sea turtles on Caswell Beach is authorized by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (ES Permit 23ST03).