Last night Nest #1 had 1 more hatchling to appear and make it to the water with a large crowd of beach visitors. He started making his appearance at noon, but smartly waited until after sunset!
There was no other turtle activity.
Sadly, a large Hammerhead was found washed up at the Public Parking beach. Marine Fisheries was called. It’s uncertain how the shark died, but they commented that sometimes these sharks fight so hard when caught that they don’t survive.
We had a total of 3 beach holes reported last night and this morning. Team 4 filled in a hole near the OKI Villas (no picture), Team 5 filled in a hole in the 200 block, and then this morning a hole at the Public Parking. Thank you, Teams!

**This conservation work for protected sea turtles on Caswell Beach is authorized by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (ES Permit 23ST03).
Want to help? Please consider donating to our efforts to protect sea turtles at Caswell Beach Turtle Watch Donations.