Dodging the Rain While Sea Turtles Stay Busy!

Caswell Beach has been inundated with rain this week. Friday evening the nest inventory for Sea Turtle Nest #10 had to be pushed up to 5:30 in attempts to beat the approaching storm.  We almost made it!  It was the fastest inventory this season, for sure, but we still got wet.  Some of the hatchlings took their time getting to the water! 

Nest #10 Inventory:
Hatched Egg Shells – 103
Unhatched Eggs – 4
Pipped – 5
Live at inventory – 11
Dead – 0

The rain badly flooded Caswell Beach Road on Friday night making it difficult for many of our teams to get out to their nests after the storm.  

Saturday morning we found Nest #12 had hatched at some point during or after the rain.   It was difficult to know how many, but some tracks could still be seen through hard rain drops.  It was a deep emergence hole!

This morning Nest #11 had some hatchlings tracks. And thankfully a visitor scared a crab away from attacking a hatchling at Nest #12 in the wee hours last night.

We also happily add Nest #59 to our beach!  Mama had a very large nest area above the highest tide from last week.

**This conservation work for protected sea turtles on Caswell Beach is authorized by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (ES Permit 24ST03).

Want to help? Please consider donating to our efforts to protect sea turtles at Caswell Beach Turtle Watch Donations.

See our Latest Nest Inventory Results.

Nest #10 Inventory

Nesst #12

Nest #59