WOW! We were blessed today with a daytime nester! We got the call a little before 4:00 that a Mama turtle had come ashore. When we got there she had already climbed over a dune and begun digging her egg chamber. This process took over an hour! Many beach goers got a once in a lifetime experience for sure! We were thankful for the help of Oak Island Sea Turtle Protection Program for helping us out at the site!
Nest #10 (Data we will share with the State)
Crawl Width: 96 cm/37.8″
Curved Measurements:
Carapace length Notch to Notch:95 cm
Carapace length Notch to Tip: 97 cm
Carapace Width: 93 cm
She was scanned for tags and none were found. (OKI has a newer model scanner so they helped out!)

**This conservation work for protected sea turtles on Caswell Beach is authorized by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (ES Permit 23ST03).