Our Sea Turtle Mamas Are Picky But Determined!

Caswell Beach has had 2 False Crawls and 2 new Nests in the last few days.

Nest #30 was laid near the dune line which will keep it safe and above the tide.   

The next day we had a False Crawl where the determined sea turtle mama tried to crawl straight up a dune cliff.  She slid down, crawled around a bit and went back to the water.  Our team dug and dug trying to locate a nest, and another team even came in to double check.  No eggs were found.  

Today we had a very short False Crawl at the East Point.  This smart Mama knew that was not the place for a nest!

Nest #31 was laid in a nice flat area up the beach.  As the Mama exited the nest area she crawled over her incoming tracks making it harder for us to locate the eggs.  A family from Greensboro cheered us on in our search!  Thanks to Ava for helping us mark the nest!

**This conservation work for protected sea turtles on Caswell Beach is authorized by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (ES Permit 24ST03). Want to help? Please consider donating to our efforts to protect sea turtles at Caswell Beach Turtle Watch Donations

Sea Turtle Nest #30

False Crawl

Sea Turtle Nest #31

False Crawl