Caswell Beach may have had some bad luck with overwashed nests from Tropical Storm Debby, but it isn’t all bad news for Caswell Beach Turtles! Mother Nature always finds a way to surprise us and brings brightness after the storm.
#1: Shout with glee, we have nest #63!!!! Mama had a beautiful crawl and laid in a safe area!
#2: Nest #23 was our first nest to hatch post Tropical Storm Debby!
#3: Nest #20 was excavated in a lull during the storm and had great results!
Nest #20 Inventory
Hatched Egg Shells – 95
Unhatched Egg Shells – 9
Pipped – 0
Live at Inventory – 0
Dead – 0
#4: Nest #7 was excavated this morning on Day 77 of incubation after 14+ overwashes. THE NEST HATCHED without us knowing! We thought this nest was lost from the first over washes early in incubation. The best we can tell is that about 80 hatchlings made it to the water! This gives us great hope for our nests that were overwashed this week!
Nest #7 Inventory
Hatched Egg Shells – 100
Unhatched Eggs – 26
Pipped – 0
Live at Inventory – 0
Dead – 20
**This conservation work for protected sea turtles on Caswell Beach is authorized by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (ES Permit 24ST03).
Want to help? Please consider donating to our efforts to protect sea turtles at Caswell Beach Turtle Watch Donations.
See our Latest Nest Inventory Results.
Nest #63
Nest # 20
Nest #7 Inventory