2 new nests and 1 false crawl today! Theresa was really excited to find the eggs this morning! Yay, Theresa!
Nest #77 Crawl Width: 34″
Nest #78 Crawl Width: 33″
There have been a few negative posts on Facebook recently made by the unofficial Turtle group. We as Caswell Beach Turtle Watch are working hard to protect our turtles and nests and to educate the public. We will continue to be VERY positive in our comments and inclusive of all who wish to sit with us at nests! We have had some lovely families talking with us in the mornings and at nest greenings. All have positive things to say about our program. Try not to get discouraged by the little bit of negative out there. I will try to heed my own advice!
As to the comments about the deceased loggerhead from last week from this group wondering if it had ingested plastics. We were in contact with the state about this turtle prior to burial. It was speculated that this was probably a cold stunned turtle from late spring that never recovered. If it had made it to shore sooner, we could have transported it to the turtle hospital for care. Evidently, Loggerheads rarely ingest plastics, but Leatherbacks are known for this. The turtle hospitals and aquariums cannot take in all deceased turtles for Necropsies. They have their hands full working to save the sick and injured turtles in their care. Unfortunately, we can’t save them all. We are working on getting some Necropsy Training.
We are all about to get busy in an amazing way! Enjoy every minute!! Jamie