Wait! Our Mama Sea Turtles Are Not Done!

It’s been a few days since Caswell Beach had a new Sea Turtle nest, but that changed today as we welcomed Nest #58 high on a grassy dune knoll! We are thankful for that location which is safe from the rising tides on our beach!

Nests #6 & #8 were excavated and inventoried last night before the heavy rains arrived. We had several very sweet families that had been out all week hoping to see hatchlings who were able to observe the process.

Nest #6
Hatched Egg Shells – 103
Unhatched Eggs – 14
Pipped – 0
Live – 0
Dead – 0

Nest #8 (see videos below)
Hatched Egg Shells – 147
Unhatched Eggs – 10
Pipped – 0
Live – 2 (1 hatchling had a flipper issue, but he did well in the water)
Dead – 0

*All Nest Inventory results can be located in a separate tab by hovering over Season Updates.

**This conservation work for protected sea turtles on Caswell Beach is authorized by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (ES Permit 24ST03).

Want to help? Please consider donating to our efforts to protect sea turtles at Caswell Beach Turtle Watch Donations.

Nest #58

Nest #6 Inventory

Nest #8 Inventory