Washed Out Sea Turtle Nest Hatches on Caswell Beach!

On the morning of August 20th, Caswell Beach’s Sea Turtle Nest #46 was found uncovered by the King Tide on day 41 of incubation (full incubation ranges from 48-65 days). We were devastated!

With direction from the NCWRC, Caswell Beach Turtle Watch made efforts to save the nest and relocate it. Our team was so hopeful that this nest would be ok! We are very happy to report that the nest hatched successfully overnight between August 31st and the morning of September 1st. This nest reached a total of 53 days of incubation and also survived several over washes!

The nest was inventoried this morning and for everything that the nest endured, it did very well!! Unfortunately, the heavy rains that came after the first emergence prevented some of the hatchlings from emerging.

On Saturday, Nests #37 and #43 were excavated with very good inventory results. On Monday, Nest #45 was excavated between rain showers with very good results and 11 hatchlings released. This morning Nest #42 was excavated and found to be a smaller than average nest. You can check the stats of these nests on our Inventory Results page!

**This conservation work for protected sea turtles on Caswell Beach is authorized by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (ES Permit 24ST03).

Want to help? Please consider donating to our efforts to protect sea turtles at Caswell Beach Turtle Watch Donations.

Please be advised that all Caswell Beach Volunteers carry and wear a NCWRC permit badge. Offical volunteers also have Caswell Beach Parking Permits to display at all times when they park to perform sea turtle duties. Don’t hesitate to ask to see a badge if you are uncertain who you are speaking with!

Nest #46

Nest #37

Nest #43

Nest #45

Nest #42