We Have Hatchlings!

Caswell Beach Turtle Watch has had a busy couple of days as we have begun to see emergence from multiple nests.

Nest #1 boiled Friday evening with 89 hatchlings going straight to the water on Day 66.

Nest #2 had a straggling hatchling emerge late morning-noonish yesterday.  A beach visitor called and made sure he safely made it to the water. This nest boiled the previous evening when 100+ hatchlings sped to the water in less than 5 minutes on Day 63. 

Nest #4 boiled with 91 hatchlings at about 8:20 Sunday evening.  They had a very large, excited and supportive crowd.

Nest #6 had more hatchlings emerge overnight Sunday adding the trickle that emerged the previous evening.  Due to the rain, the number of tracks are not discernable. Unfortunately there was one crab attack victim.

Nest #8 also had a good size emergence overnight Sunday.  It was very hard to read the number of tracks.

Nest #10 had 1 lone hatchling emerge after 10pm Sunday night. They had a nice group of visitors.

**This conservation work for protected sea turtles on Caswell Beach is authorized by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (ES Permit 24ST03).

Want to help? Please consider donating to our efforts to protect sea turtles at Caswell Beach Turtle Watch Donations.

Nest Emergence