Wow! The Morning Patrol had to call for reinforcements today! They had 3 false crawls, 1 Nesting Site and 4 new nests bringing us to 50 for sure and one more maybe. Thanks to the Morning Patrol for working extra hard! One mama walked through a wedding pergola, over a stack of wood and nested on the other side. The eggs were relocated because the nest was right next to the pergola post.
- Nest #47 Crawl Width: 87cm/34″
- Nest #48 Crawl Width: 90.4cm/37″
- Nest #49 Crawl Width: 80.5cm/33-1/4″
- Nest #50 Crawl Width: 89cm/35″
- Nesting Site Crawl Width: 86cm/34″
Crabs got into Nest #29 AGAIN! Kathleen actually saw the eggs at the end of the crab tunnel. They covered it again.