Never say you think you’re done! We have Nest #91!
The nest was laid in a great location. We were able to talk with several visitors and explain the process of locating the eggs and the DNA collection.
Crawl Width: 83cm/32.5″
Also this morning, Nest #31 decided to hatch at about 6:00 am. We had not yet arrived, but were able to see a few hatchlings make it to the water. Thanks to the beach visitors who watched over them until we arrived! A sweet preschooler was ecstatic to see the baby turtles!
Nest #15 had 5 more hatchlings emerge at about 9:05 last night with Team 2 present and many visitors. The turtles went straight to the water!
Nest #26 boiled at about 9:50 pm last night with Team 7 present along with about 50 visitors! They saw 85 hatchlings in the boil and 2 more before they left for the night.
Walking Patrol found an empty egg shell up on a dune. We checked out a false crawl area, but were unable to see evidence of anything disturbed. It’s a mystery!

**This conservation work for protected sea turtles on Caswell Beach is authorized by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (ES Permit 23ST03).
Want to help? Please consider donating to our efforts to protect sea turtles at Caswell Beach Turtle Watch Donations.