Caswell Beach Sea Turtle Nests, Markets and Waterspouts! Oh My!

Caswell Beach Turtle Watch was called out to the beach last night for a nesting mama.  Shout out and thanks to the West Virginia family for calling us and keeping things quiet and dark until we arrived.  They had quite the vacation memory! We were able to check the Loggerhead mama for Flipper Tags and Pit Tags, but none were found.  We were also able to measure her length, but not her width before she hurried back into the water.   The nest, Nest #43, was laid too close to the tide line, so 92 eggs had to be relocated up to the dune this morning.

Nest #44 was laid directly in front of a Caswell Beach Access’s Garbage Cans!  Not safe for the eggs and not easy for beach goers to be able to dispose of their trash.  103 eggs were relocated nearby to a safer spot.  

We also had 1 false crawl today and 1 yesterday.

Thanks to all who came out to see us at the OKI Monday Market!  We really enjoyed sharing with you all we know about the sea turtles that nest on our beaches.  We survived the deluge of rain and waterspouts without getting too, too wet!

**This conservation work for protected sea turtles on Caswell Beach is authorized by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (ES Permit 24ST03).

Want to help? Please consider donating to our efforts to protect sea turtles at Caswell Beach Turtle Watch Donations.

Sea Turtle Nest #43

Sea Turtle Nest #44

Sea Turtle Nesting Site #1

False Crawl 07/08