Happy 4th! Four New Sea Turtle Nests and a Firecracker Mama!

Happy Independence Day!

The week of Independence Day is generally one of our busier weeks for Sea Turtle activity. Caswell Beach had 4 new sea turtle nests in the last 2 days! Wednesday we had a 3-Nest Hat Trick and TODAY we had 1 very unusual nest!

Nests #37, #38 and #39 were all laid in safe locations.

BUT Nest #40’s Mama crawled into another nest’s barrier, knocked down 2 poles (including the nest # sign) and laid just 18 inches behind the other nest cavity!  CBTW Morning Patrol contacted the NCWRC State Coordinator for protocol on locating the new eggs.  Fortuntely, they were located pretty quickly and easily and a double barrier was erected.  The 2 nests are exactly 3 weeks apart. We are calling her Firecracker Mama! SEE BELOW!

Please be careful with lights, sparklers, fireworks and trash if you are out on the beach tonight celebrating. Any form of light can distract a Mama turtle and send her in the wrong direction or back to the water. If you see a Mama on the beach, stay at least 20 feet behind her without shining lights and please call us 910-368-6323. It’s important we are able to collect data at any opportunity to do so.

**This conservation work for protected sea turtles on Caswell Beach is authorized by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (ES Permit 24ST03).

Want to help? Please consider donating to our efforts to protect sea turtles at Caswell Beach Turtle Watch Donations.

Sea Turtle Nest #37

Sea Turtle Nest #38

Sea Turtle Nest #39

Sea Turtle Nest #40