Although the stormy weather has given us pause, it hasn’t stopped our mama sea turtles from visiting our beach. There were 2 new nests on Monday and 1 today for Caswell Beach! On Monday, we were joined on morning patrol by Karen Clark, our Community Science Specialist from NCWRC, who was in town to provide additional training for our official Caswell Beach Turtle Watch team members and the Oak Island Sea Turtle Protection Program. We love learning about the latest research and sea turtle management protocols from KC!

Nests #34 and #35 were located during a thunderstorm. All patrol activity was delayed due to the lightning. Nest #34 was laid in a badly eroded area and 102 eggs were relocated to a safer location. Nest #35 was high on the beach in a popular nesting area. Maybe she is a repeat nester? Today Nest #36 was laid at the base of a sloughing dune that is crumbling more every day. 103 eggs were relocated to a safer location.
A special shout out and thank you to Tom for helping our team fill in a very large hole. We appreciate the efforts we are seeing from beachgoers filling in their sand holes!
This should be one of our busiest laying weeks. If you happen to be on the beach late at night and see a mama turtle, please keep your distance and stay behind her (at least 20 feet), stay off her tracks in the sand and keep your lights off (even red lights). Call us at 910-368-6323 and we will respond to collect data for the State database. Our ability to gather this data is important to the NC Sea Turtle Project. Thanks!!
**This conservation work for protected sea turtles on Caswell Beach is authorized by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (ES Permit 24ST03).
Want to help? Please consider donating to our efforts to protect sea turtles at Caswell Beach Turtle Watch Donations.