Caswell Beach has 2 more sea turtle nests to add to our season total! Despite being a slower nesting season, our Sea Turtle Mamas are consistently trying to nest on our beaches. Some are struggling to find adequate nesting areas amidst beach erosion and humans.
Nest #47 was laid high on the beach right in front of a false crawl from Monday! Same Mama Turtle? We will never know!
Nest #48 was laid in a safe location. Our morning patrol team got it marked between rain cells, but were pelted on their ride back. We need to write a Turtle Patrol Creed like the Postman’s Creed: Neither rain, nor wind, nor approaching tides will keep them from the swift completion of their appointed rounds! They really are a dedicated bunch, getting up with the sun each day, and dealing with new obstacles every time.
Our volunteer nest teams are doing a great job of implementing the new nest runway dimensions per NCWRC regulations. We may have to make some adjustments in the more populated areas, but so far so good! As we prepare nests in the coming weeks, you will see some differences from previous years. Feel free to ask questions, we are happy to share!

PLEASE, PLEASE call us if you see any sea turtle activity on the beach, 910-368-6323. Remember to store our number in your phone if you are a frequent visitor to Caswell Beach!
**This conservation work for protected sea turtles on Caswell Beach is authorized by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (ES Permit 24ST03).
Want to help? Please consider donating to our efforts to protect sea turtles at Caswell Beach Turtle Watch Donations.
Sea Turtle Nest #47
Sea Turtle Nest #48
False Crawl