Thursday, May 27

We had 3 new nests today and 2 false crawls!  The false crawls had the same crawl width as the Nest 2 Mama and were just east and west of Nest 2.

 Nest 2 ~ She worked hard for this one! Crawl width:  86 cm/34 inches in a safe location, Eggs In Situ. The false crawls were attempted where the beach has a very steep mid beach escarpment.

Nest 3 – Crawl width:  80 cm/32 inches, 63 Eggs were relocated above the high tide line. I was called out for this one at 2:45am.  She dropped 2 eggs mid-crawl on her way back to the ocean.  Crabs got into one of them. 

Nest 4 – Crawl width:  93 cm/36.5 inches, 136 Eggs were relocated above the high tide line. 6 Eggs were damaged by Ghost Crabs so one of those was used for DNA.

We had some very nice and excited visitors who were happy to see the tracks and hear about the process!